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Icon Consulting is a management and technology consulting company. We are based in London and have clients in the UK and throughout Europe.

We work with our clients to achieve business improvement. This may be for single businesses or organisations, or for whole industries.

The theme of our work is managing complexity. Our methodologies are designed to support policy, decision making and change in some of the most demanding and critical business sectors.

We provide services including business strategy, stakeholder support, performance measurement and process management. We also undertake programme and commercial management, and the setting up and management of complete change programmes.

We take pride in understanding our clients' industries and the technical arenas in which they work. Our consultants are chosen to have expert consulting experience and in-depth knowledge of more than one industry.


The Final Report on the Future Environmental Constraints on Aviation prepared as Work Package 4.2 of the CARING project has now been completed.

Abstract: This study considers how measures to control aviation’s gaseous emissions may evolve by 2025. It considers measures addressing both climate change and local air quality. These include standards, market-based and operational measures, as well as the potential contribution of alternative fuels. At the same time the aviation industry is seeking to reconcile forecast growth with the increasing pressure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In the wider context these developments are taking place whilst there is considerable uncertainty about what will happen beyond the Kyoto Protocol.

A summary of the report may be read at Caring Summary

A soft copy of the full report is available on request from Icon-Reports@icon-consulting.com

Icon is a wholly independent organisation and is accredited with the ISO 9001:2000 quality standard.


Icon Consulting, tel: +44 (0) 208 336 1626 | email: enquiries@icon-consulting.com