Performance measurement system for a complete industry
Icon prepared a top-level structure of key performance areas and
associated performance indicators to measure the performance of Air
Traffic Management in Europe.
Innovation review for Department
for Transport
Icon was invited to review the Department's
approach to innovation and the range of innovative activities being
contributed to by the Department. This was achieved by
identifying the characteristics of innovative activity and preparing a series
of case studies to demonstrate how those characteristics are being
fulfilled. The case studies covered activity in all modes of transport
and transport infrastructure. Thus they ranged from the Department's
approach to supporting the development of satellite navigation on a
European level to specific projects to support the performance
improvement of motorways.
Workshop for EUROCONTROL on Interoperability Regulation
A key requirement for the future of European Air Traffic Management
is to improve its ability to operate seamlessly through all its
systems and across all geographical areas. The European Commission has
drafted the Interoperability Regulation to provide the structure
within which this can be achieved. It is envisaged that EUROCONTROL
will provide the Implementing Rules that will govern the operational
side of the industry. Icon prepared and ran a workshop to develop a
common understanding of the scope of the Regulation, its implications
and how it might be implemented.
Business Case for major
work programme
Icon has develped an assessment framework
that provides a structured method for assessing the costs and benefits
for a group of stakeholders of implementing one or more elements of a
major work programme at a local level, a country level and the
European level. The framework has been applied in preparing a
business case for the Airport Operations Programme at EUROCONTROL.
here to see the business case report.
Strategy optimisation for a major multi-national
Icon produced and optimised a water management and generation
strategy for a major provider and user of hydroelectric power.
Telematics opportunities study for the European Commission
As part of the move towards an integrated European transport system,
Icon demonstrated the value that the whole aviation industry could
obtain from the use of telematics and other technologies.
Click here for more details.
Business strategy for a major research organisation
When a government research organisation wanted to become more
commercial, Icon helped it define its strategy and then prepare and
implement new commercial, marketing and management procedures.
Relocation planning for a major investment bank
Icon consultants helped a major investment bank co-locate its equity
businesses, including negotiation of property leases and managing the
fit-out and subsequent relocation.
Programme management of a major research and implementation
Icon provided programme management support to the international
research and implementation programme for the provision of GNSS
(Global Navigation Satellite System) for Europe. This included the
setting and monitoring of budgets and tendering and monitoring
contributing projects.
Efficiency review for a UK Government Agency
Icon carried out a review of a directorate within the Government
Agency to determine if its required role was being fulfilled and to
investigate if it was providing value for money.
Company policy for a major rail company
Icon prepared an initial framework for company policies and then
developed a complete set of policies that were accepted by the Board.
We then prepared corporate level standards.
Railway possession management
Icon reviewed the process for track possession management to identify
best practice and the requirements for achieving a safe and effective
Review of air traffic forecasting systems
Icon carried out reviews of the forecasting requirement, the
methodology used, and the processes involved in preparing the
forecasts for two European forecasting units.
Performance indicators to measure airport airside performance
Icon prepared a comprehensive set of performance indicators to
measure the performance of airport airside operations. We also
identified the interactions between each of the factors that affect
performance. Click here
for more details.
Safety data survey
Icon undertook a survey of the readiness and willingness of European
air navigation service providers to exchange safety data with each
Human factors affects from airline globalisation
Icon led a multi-disciplinary team carrying out research for the
European Joint Aviation Authorities to investigate the flight deck
related human factors issues arising from airline mergers and
globalisation. The study
report has been placed in the public domain.
Strategic manpower planning system
Icon used system dynamics to identify, explore and gain insight into
the issues relating to ensuring that the right number of a large group
of highly skilled individuals are trained and employed. This work
resulted in a decision-making support tool that is cutting-edge in
both its technology and its approach.
Cost benefit analysis of recruitment and selection
Icon developed a methodological framework which can be used by any
air traffic services provider to evaluate the costs and benefits of
improving the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process
for air traffic controllers. Click here
for more details.
Management of a major European R&D information project
Icon is currently leading a five-year, multi-million Euro development
project that is providing a web-based public information service
supporting the co-ordination and management of Air Traffic Management
Research and Development programmes. The project also involves
integration of the information service with on-going developments of
common internationally accepted methods for the management and
execution of R&D activities in order to maximise the comparability
and use of R&D findings in validating strategic initiatives.
Click here to view
the information service.
Business continuity planning for a major European international
The airport was being privatised and needed to demonstrate stability
and robustness of its operations, combined with strategic potential to
prospective buyers. Icon advised and assisted in developing Business
Continuity Plans (BCPs) covering all the operational processes and
including the facilitation of liaison and working relationships with
key state and commercial stakeholders and suppliers, and the creation
of a purpose built crisis management centre.
Industry cost-benefit study
Icon led the project to prepare an overall cost-benefit analysis of
European Air Traffic Management. This seminal study set a framework
within which other, more specific cost-benefit assessments are carried
out. The
report has been placed in the public domain.