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The effectiveness of project management to deliver successful projects depends on using a structured approach in a controlled manner. The key elements are:

  • a project scope and definition that is clearly aligned to the business objectives
  • an effective and efficient project organisation with appropriate authority and clearly defined roles and responsibilities
  • adequate planning of schedule, costs and resources at the outset of the project, with procedures to monitor and amend them as the project progresses
  • clearly defined techniques and procedures to be used to control the project in terms of schedule, costs and resources
  • practical monitoring and reporting procedures that balance overhead, formality and adequate control
  • processes to manage changes in project specification and provide quality control of deliverables

Icon uses a variety of standard, structured project management methodologies, including PRINCE, which comprehensively cover all of these elements. We recognise, however, that in order to be successful, careful consideration needs to be given to the pragmatic application of a methodology to meet the needs of the organisation.

Our clients

We have managed national and international projects including industry-wide studies, office moves, systems analysis and systems development. In many cases we have led multi-disciplinary teams of client and external staff.


Icon Consulting, 2Fl, Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London W1J 6BD
tel: +44 (0) 207 494 9994 | email: enquiries@icon-consulting.com