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Business decisions often involve consideration of a complex mix of objectives, influences, dependencies, constraints, potential outcomes and risk. Consistent with Icon's theme of Managing Complexity, and where appropriate, we use operational research techniques to help our clients clarify their options and make effective business decisions in the areas of:

  • industries and markets
  • products and services
  • procurement and logistics
  • operational, process, technology and systems change
  • performance measurement and benchmarking
  • investment appraisal
  • resource optimisation


These techniques and methods can play a unique role in cutting through complexity and uncertainty by providing both a framework and a firm foundation of fact with which to assist the decision making process and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operations. Insights can be gained into how improvements can best be made in complex situations.

In using these techniques, we work with the decision-makers in an organisation to help structure problems and provide clarity in their solution.

Specific decision support services include the use of structured techniques for:

  • business and process modelling
  • scenario development
  • investigating the dynamics of complex systems
  • risk analysis
  • performance assessment
  • cost-benefit analysis and the preparation of business cases
  • business process optimisation
  • manpower planning

Where appropriate, we use one of our proven approaches called Value Impact Assessment and Enterprise Performance in Context.


Icon Consulting, 2Fl, Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London W1J 6BD
tel: +44 (0) 207 494 9994 | email: enquiries@icon-consulting.com