Value Impact Assessment, or
for short, is a flexible, scaleable methodology that has been
developed by Icon to satisfy a variety of business and systems
evaluation needs. It is based on many years' experience of using
standard and custom techniques.
is suitable for structured quantitative assessment of:
- industries and markets
- complex infrastructures
- investment options and priorities at all levels (industry,
enterprise, programme, project)
- change in services, products, systems, hardware, software
and human resources
- business performance and benchmarking
Key requirements for these types of assessments, which are
met by ,
- appreciation of the full context of the evaluation
- the ability to handle uncertainty
- full traceability of reasoning and results
- comparison of different options and scenarios analysis of
dependencies and timescale effects
- handling of direct, indirect and induced cost and benefit
- processing of intangible and qualitative variables
- flexibility to accommodate user-preferred calculation methods
and presentation of results

provides a structured, 3-stage modular approach and uses a selection
of techniques appropriate to the specific assessment exercise.
Some are core techniques, which we invariably use. Others are
more specialised techniques, which are used when needed. This
modular approach gives
its versatility and power.